Attitude The Magic Force To Your Success

Our thoughts, feelings and actions formed what we call our attitude. I know that some people have formed connotations in regards to this word, but I know that we must pay attention to its true meaning.

John Deere Riding Lawn Mowers

Attitude determines where we end up in life. It reflects what we think of ourselves. It is one of the easiest things to conceive in our minds yet the most difficult to hold onto. We know that sometimes our attitude towards others is not the healthiest or the best served for any of our own needs. We can end up in a maze of blame to others for our moods or circumstances or how we feel. The truth is that we can only take ownership and responsibility for what we put out.

John Deere Riding Lawn Mowers

I always try to teach one major point, though there are many things for people to learn, this is what I would consider one of the biggies as far as natural law, that is, The Law of Cause and Effect. What you put out is exactly what you will receive. Put out an arrogant attitude and that will be reflected back at you. Put out a grateful attitude and what you get back is more gratefulness than arrogance. Remember you can not control what other peoples attitudes are, nor is it your responsibility to act on poor or bad attitudes toward you.

When we pay attention to someone else's poor attitude we start to take on the "color of the enemy." Your attitude is your being it is who you want to be. If you reflect a poor or bad attitude, you are internalizing that experience in thoughts, feelings and actions, and attitude is nothing less that the combination of those three elements.

Earl Nightingale tells a story about a man and his wife who moved into his neighborhood. A few months later while Earl was mowing his lawn, he notice a for sale sign in his new neighbors front yard. He approached his neighbor and asked him why was he moving? The neighbor stated that his wife has not made friends nor has she been asked to join any of the activities in the community, she felt that no one liked her. Then Earl asked his neighbor, has your wife approached any of the other wives in the community and asked if she could participate in their activities, did she let anyone know. The husband thought about it and said no.

There you have it, she has to be asked to join, instead of doing what would be easy by simply asking herself. Poor attitude gets poor results. A quick check here how is your attitude?

Let us entertain this idea. If a great attitude will lead to great results, how do we develop a great attitude? There are two factors that we want to cultivate, one being gratitude and the other is expectation. If I treat you with a great attitude, let us say I met you at a party or some event, I showed interest paid attention to what you say, maybe even extended an invitation to have coffee or talk on the phone sometime. What do you think your attitude toward me would be? If at the same time I expected you to show me the same respect, as I am showing you, I would probably get it.

We do get what we expect, expect poor results and I guarantee you won't be disappointed. If we expect great results we most likely get them. It is all in the attitude. We have seen it too many times. The worker, good worker, does an impeccable job, but don't even talk to this person or they will bite your head off. Poor attitude towards others, great attitude for their task, this is off course a choice either way. Now think of how if this person's attitude for their work was transferred to people as well. The results will speak for themselves.

There are not that many fundamentals for success. Each of these "Disciplines" has to be drilled and made a habitual practice for ourselves. I don't know you, but if you wrote me I would be your friend for life. Why? It is my attitude I love to hear from people, I love to help people that is my profession. My attitude is that I am grateful everyday when I get up that I have another opportunity to learn and apply new things. That in this wonderful life there is more than we will ever realize. I expect wonderful things to happen and they do.

Look at this article, why would I even share this idea? Only because I feel that it is important for people to get. Pure and simple the more I enrich others by my words the more room I make in my mind to be further enriched with more wisdom. Your attitude may need to be change toward something and maybe not to others. Look at how you approach a particular subject or project it would be smart to check your attitude before you start. If you believe the project to be exciting and fun, then no matter what obstacles that are involved your attitude will over ride them. If you apprehensive, then change your attitude before approaching it, I know when I don't feel right about doing something, I don't do it even if it is high priority. The only reason is my attitude towards that activity, needs to change before I can re-approach.

How about starting a new habit? Why don't you treat everyone you meet as if they were the most important person in the world; show interest. There is a story about a man who entered into the insurance business. He was at some party or event and met a very wealthy man. He noticed his boots and complemented the man about them. This man gave his boot maker's address to his new friend. Not more than a few days later, this wealthy man invited his "new friend" to a get together at his home. During the event, this wealthy man asked all of his friends to buy at least one policy from his "new friend". That day he wrote over million dollars in policies, that was his first week. What made the difference? Attitude!

Having a great attitude will immediately place you in the top 3%. It is really not that hard to practice smiling, being warm and friendly. Meet and Greet with an expectant attitude. Is this not how you would want to be treated? Treating people as they are number one will help their self esteem; just think about what it does for your own.

Success will never be won without have a great attitude. Cultivate it, it is much easier to love each other and expect great things from yourself and others. Let gratitude and expectation grow in your thoughts, feelings and actions, then you will discover that success is having a great attitude.

Attitude The Magic Force To Your Success
John Deere Riding Lawn Mowers

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